Eruption 8 years ago

In the long list of unforgettable John Holmes classics, Eruption may be his finest work. Notorious for his gigantic member, people often overlook his sincere and talented acting ability. Hired by a devious sexpot played by Leslie Bovee, Holmes destroys her husband for the life insurance money that will make them both rich. The crime goes off withput a hitch, but when a persistent investigator causes trouble, the Hawaiian Islands grow increasingly treacherous.Show more
In the long list of unforgettable John Holmes classics, Eruption may be his finest work. Notorious for his gigantic member, people often overlook his sincere and talented acting ability. Hired by a devious sexpot played by Leslie Bovee, Holmes destroys her husband for the life insurance money that will make them both rich. The crime goes off withput a hitch, but when a persistent investigator causes trouble, the Hawaiian Islands grow increasingly treacherous.


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