Tender Flesh 11 years ago
Tender Flesh (a.k.a. Sexophrenia), Rene Bond plays an inhibited housewife trapped in a sexless marriage to an old coot (Keith Erickson). She begins having trippy erotic dreams. A narrator wanders into the frame and explains to us that she is suffering from a disease called "Sex-o-phrenia" ("One of the oldest maladies." he says.) Pretty soon. Rene is clutching her head, contorting her face and becoming sex-crazed. ("Her alter-ego is trying to break through!") What all this means is lots of naked foolery, including a funny moment when she climbs on her horrified hubby and starts sucking his ham. ("You gutter slut! I will pray for your soul!") Another platter of lip-smacking fun from the heyday of hardcore. Collect ’em all!Show more
Tender Flesh (a.k.a. Sexophrenia), Rene Bond plays an inhibited housewife trapped in a sexless marriage to an old coot (Keith Erickson). She begins having trippy erotic dreams. A narrator wanders into the frame and explains to us that she is suffering from a disease called "Sex-o-phrenia" ("One of the oldest maladies." he says.) Pretty soon. Rene is clutching her head, contorting her face and becoming sex-crazed. ("Her alter-ego is trying to break through!") What all this means is lots of naked foolery, including a funny moment when she climbs on her horrified hubby and starts sucking his ham. ("You gutter slut! I will pray for your soul!") Another platter of lip-smacking fun from the heyday of hardcore. Collect ’em all!